The Inclusive Graduate Education Network is a pilot effort that brings together a half dozen selective graduate programs in physics to develop, adopt, and share inclusive practices for recruiting, admitting, and retaining women and underrepresented minorities. Network partners also include physics professional societies, minority serving organizations in physics, and researchers in graduate education to leverage and build knowledge, resources, and connections to help transform the enterprise of graduate education in physics. The launch pilot builds on the APS Bridge Program, which has demonstrated initial success with increasing numbers of underrepresented minorities in physics PhD programs.
The Inclusive Graduate Education Network is a pilot effort that brings together a half dozen selective graduate programs in physics to develop, adopt, and share inclusive practices for recruiting, admitting, and retaining women and underrepresented minorities. Network partners also include physics professional societies, minority serving organizations in physics, and researchers in graduate education to leverage and build knowledge, resources, and connections to help transform the enterprise of graduate education in physics. The launch pilot builds on the APS Bridge Program, which has demonstrated initial success with increasing numbers of underrepresented minorities in physics PhD programs.
Joni Falk
Center Co-Director
Hi thanks for this really important work attracting under-represented students into Physics graduate programs. It was powerful to hear from students who have entered the program. Is the bridge program two years? If so, it of course extends the amount of time that students need to commit to graduate studies. Is this a problem for students? Do students receive funding while in the bridge program or is it costly? Is it too early to have data as to whether students who enter graduate degrees from the bridge program, graduate with their cohort?
Am I right in understanding that the NSF INCLUDES project has a focus on sharing inclusive practices with other graduate programs and is not focused specifically on the bridge program? Would be interested to hear more. Thanks.
Mia Ong
Senior Research Scientist
Hi Monica. I'm very excited to learn about your INCLUDES project through this video. I agree with Joni that it's inspiring to hear from the students themselves. I began my career supporting and studying underrepresented students in physics, so this work is very close to my heart! To build on Joni's questions, I'd like to know exactly how the INCLUDES project will build on the APS Bridge Program? Also, what metrics will you use for measuring how the practices your project develops, adopts, and shares are successful for recruiting and retaining UR students in physics graduate programs? Finally, do you think that what you learn in physics may have applications in other disciplines, especially where there are low numbers of UR students, such as computer science and engineering? Thanks.
Jeanne Century
Director/Research Associate Professor
I agree with Joni and Monica about how helpful and interesting it is to hear directly from students participating in the program. I'd love to hear more about the specific activities that the students experience. They speak about the "program," but I would love to get a more clear picture of the specific recruitment and retention practices you are implementing. Thanks! Jeanne
Erin Sanders
Thank you for your efforts to bring together this network of graduate programs and help overcome the bottleneck the transition to graduate school can present to so many diverse and talented students, too often turned away from the STEM professoriate. Have you connected at all with the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) network ( There may be opportunities to help make graduate programs more attractive to perspective students if involved in learning community-driven professional development networks like CIRTL.
Looking forward to following your work!
Mark Leddy
Congratulations on the submission of the video!
Janice Jackson
education consultant
Monica, I also enjoyed hearing the students. It would be interesting to know what aspects of the program the students appreciated. It would also be interested to know which aspects of the Bridges program have been informative. Like Mia I'd like to know what you are building on. Kudos as you move forward.
Alex Rudolph
Great job, Monica, on presenting the amazing work you are doing through APS Bridge! I was wondering what you thought the role of regional networks (such as Cal-Bridge in California) might play in addressing the national problems you identify in your project (i.e., underrepresentation in physics and astronomy, and STEM in general)? How might such regional networks support or enhance your national effort? Also, to what extent do you see your efforts carrying over to other STEM disciplines?
Janice Jackson
education consultant
I am very interested in learning more about your journey. I have a sister and brother you are engineers. All the best.
Darnell Cole
Hello Monica,
i am very interesting in learning more about where you target students to participate in the bridge program and how successful those schools have been overtime in strengthening that bridge.
Further posting is closed as the event has ended.